The number of accidents in elevators is increasing every passing year. The reasons could be varied- technical, process issues or operational challenges. An answer op these regular risks could be intelligent elevators. The focus in an intelligent machine, would be the ability to predict accidents, by early detection of threatening situations and risks, by data collated by video, audio and sensors installed inside the machines. Machine Learning and AI methods will help collate this data and make algorithms from the recurrent neural networks. Once the unsafe conditions are identified, risks are detected in time, there are much higher probabilities of being able to prevent it. These technologies will assure safety using new methods and algorithms for maintaining safer elevators. The architecture thus developed will offer a software system that will be able to implement its components on the cloud and fog computing environments can be provided. The tools that are hence available, make it possible to increase the speed of identification of a risky situation by three and a half times, and increase accuracy of its specifications’ detection by almost 25%.
Source: News